Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My opinions on Xbox 360

Some of you probably know that I like the Wii. I think this year is a great time for a Wii owner (see "Wii Games I'm planning to get on this year." Some of you probably will ask me what's my opinion on the Xbox 360.

Well read on:

My initial impressions of Xbox360 when it 1st came out weren't really good. I keep thinking that it was "all good graphics-not much good gameplay". Well, my impressions have changed a lot, but even now, I still don't like it that much, but for completely different reasons.

The 1st thing that bothered me about the 360 is that its backward compatability is pretty bad. A lot of Xbox games arn't compatible with the Xbox 360, & even if they are, most of them have glitches & slowdown. I was planning on getting SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Chaos, & Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay when neither of them were compatible with Xbox 360. Oh well, not going to buy an Xbox just for those 2 games.

I haven't used XBLA, how good is it? I'm planning on getting TMNT: The Arcade game & Mr. Driller online.

I haven't really used Xbox Live that much, but from what I seen, it's pretty good. I personally prefer PC for online gaming though.

One thing that really bothers me however, is that the range of software for it doesn't cover a lot of genres that much. Sure, there's a ton of FPS's, Racing, Sports games & Strategy games, but what about JRPG's, fighting, etc? It might change later in the 360's life though.

Last, but not least. I think the controller is pretty good. It's D-pad however, is really atrocious in design.

That's all I can think of for now. I may update this post later on.

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