Saturday, June 22, 2013

The treasure box...

I was looking for some stuff in my mum's room when I came across a heavy white box. Inside were DOZENS of PS2 games as well as an original Xbox game and a PS1 game, all of which belonged to my older brother. To be precise, probably around 41 or 42 PS2 games were inside the box.

Some PS2 games include the all 5 PS2 GTA's, the first 2 Onimusha games, Star Ocean 3, DMC 1, The Suffering: Ties That Bind, Darkwatch, Resident Evil 4, Disgaea, etc. What I find strange is that some of them might've been played only a few times before ultimately being thrown aside for god knows how long. I must've seen my brother play Star Ocean 3 maybe once or twice before he ultimately called it quits for whatever reason. I'm not even sure if he played Disgaea at all.

If you're not gonna play a game a lot, then why not give it to someone else or sell it? The only reason I would keep games if it's because I can see myself playing them again in the future. If the game is frustrating or bad to you, then just sell it or give it to another person. There's no reason to keep games that you don't want to play (unless you using them as an "investment").

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