Saturday, February 28, 2009
My favorite King of Fighters intro.
Almost worth owning for the intro alone.
I also like this intro:
Sorry for going off topic a bit, but I'm not old enough to put adsense in my blog yet. (Don't you have to be 18 or older to put it on your blog?) So don't expect to see it anytime soon.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wii Virtual Console rant.
Starting things off, I hate how all the Wii point cards in retail stores only have 2000 Wii pts. ($20). I would've liked to see 1000 pt. cards ($10), 1500 pt. cards ($15), 3500 pt. cards ($35), & maybe even 5000 pt. cards ($50) along with the 2000 pt. cards ($20) in retail stores. Just a nuisance in my opinion.
Another thing that bothers me is that a lot of games on the European Wii Virtual Console run only in 50hz which results in a overall much slower game (around 17.5% more than 60 hz) The only games I could think of that run in 60hz in there are some JPN-only games & maybe the TG-16 & the Neo Geo games. These days, pretty much almost every game released in Europe is 60 hz instead of 50 hz. Nintendo seems very lazy, arn't they?
Let's also not forget that you can't change the controls of any games you bought in the VC AT ALL. The closest you can get to is that some games give you a choice if you want to use a Wii Classic controller, gamecube controller, or in some cases, a Wii remote. The problem becomes apparent when you download a VC game & the controls arn't good in your favor. So you pretty much have to buy at least either a classic controller or a gamecube controller, or delete the VC game, realizing you wasted $5-$10 all because of bad controls to you and the inability to change them.
I thing I find most bothering is the Wii's pathetic storage, around 2000 blocks. Sure, NES games on VC take up only 30 blocks or under, SNES games take around 30-90 blocks, Genesis games take around 30-50 blocks, & TG-16 games take around 30-50 blocks. Not so bad, eh? Try saying that when you're downloading a few Neo Geo games, TG-16 CD games, & N64 games. Those take around 150-300 blocks! Some Wiiware games take up 300 blocks! The Wii channels also take up alot of space. If you plan on downloading a lot of games on the Wii Shop channel, keep in mind that the space will fill up really fast. Sure you can use 1 & 2 GB SD cards, but you can't play directly from them. You have to move the games from the SD card to the Wii's system memory if you want to play them & it could take a while which ultimately ends up terribly inconvenient.
The Wii VC is ok, it's just that there's a few things that really bring it down though.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
What should I do?
A tale of two animals.
One day, before the whole conflict started, Animal 1 was viewing Animal 2's blog. 1 had some criticism & advice to say to Animal 2. Little did 1 know that it'll just start the whole conflict. 2, having saw the criticism had suddenly flipped out & started saying nasty things to 1. The struggle had continued until 2 had mysteriously dissapeared.
I can say that the whole conflict was like 2 animals fighting each other. 1 was fighting for it's life. While the other wanted to eat it.
In my opinion, Animal 2 should either listen to the advice, or ignore it if it wants to. Flipping out at somebody's advice & criticism is like a customer giving a suggestion to the manager & the manager suddenly cusses him/her out of the store.
Unfortunately, the kind of conflict that somebody flips out after reading the other's advice & criticism has happened a lot in Blogspot.
Somethings a little weird in my blog.
Some Wii Games I want in 2009
It's only February this year, & the Wii has already gotten great games in North America such as Tenchu: Shadow Assassins, House of the Dead: Overkill, & Deadly Creatures this year. That's not all, there's still many more games that're going to come out for the Wii this year. Here's what I would probably get.
1. Monster Hunter 3 (Capcom)
2. The Conduit
(Made by High Voltage Software, published by Sega)
release date: Q2 09? (for North America)
I never really play FPS games that much anymore unless it's Counterstrike: Source. Hopefully, this would probably rekindle my interest in them. The Conduit has very good graphics for the Wii & the online is also impressive for it (can't really compare it to Xbox Live or PSN. Oh well.) I'll probably get this.
3. Madworld (Developed by Platinum Games. Published by Sega.)
release date: March 09
An ultra ultra violent beat em up that can be compared to some grindhouse movies in terms of violence. After reading a few hands-on previews about this, I' am definitely going to get this.
release date: July 2009?
This was made by the same people who made Odin Sphere & GrimGrimoire for the PS2 so it should be also just as great, if not better, as the 2 other games. This game has awesome 2D graphics. In fact, screenshots arn't enough to admire it, you'll probably have to see some gameplay videos on Youtube to see what the hype is about.
5. House of the Dead Overkill (Made by Headstrong Games. Published by Sega)
release date: Already released in NA & Europe. Australia gets in on 2/19/09
Well, I' am a big fan of House of the Dead, so I'll probably get this. Not only that, but I might even get it on my bday party. (that's today!) Gameplay is basically like all other House of the Dead games which are all Lightgun games.
6. Deadly Creatures (Made by Rainbow Studios. Published by THQ) Release date: 2/10/09 for NA. 2/12/09 for Australia. 2/13/09 for Europe
It may sound like a documentary, but Deadly Creatures is surprisngly a great game. You play as a Spider & a Scorpion. You fight other bugs, wasps, spiders, mice, lizards, snakes, & even a human! I' ll probably get this once it comes down in price.
7. Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Made & published by Namco Bandai games) Release date: 1/22/09 for Japan. Don't know for North America, Europe, & Australia.
I don't really know much about this game except for that the gameplay is similar to Zelda's. Another thing I know is that Xseed might be looking towards bringing this game to other countries. Email them at to let them know you want to see the game come out in other countries.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Games I would like to see on the Wii Virtual Console this year.
Well, the NA VC already had Bomberman '93 like at the beggining of VC. So why not Bomberman '94? After all, the Japan VC has it since launch. There's some new things in this game, one of them being able to ride a Rooey & using it as a shield (Basically the Kangaroos you see in Bomberman games.) Do you know that Mega Bomberman for the Genesis is really just a port of Bomberman '94? Well I'll take the PC Engine version anyday, especially with it's 5 player support!
2. Earthbound (SNES)
Yeah, Yeah. I know what you're thinking: "OMG! Another crappy Neo Geo game!" Well it's not. It actually looks pretty awesome. I could get the Art of Fighting Anthology for $15, but I don't really care about AOF 1 & 2 so I' am getting 3 once it comes the VC.
4. King of Fighters '95 (Neo Geo)
Yeah yeah. Another Neo-Geo game. At least it's also another great game. Since King of Fighters '94 came to the NA vc last year. I don't see why this won't be released this year. Well, at least KOF '95 is the 1st game that has a team edit mode, that's for sure!
5. Fatal Fury Special (Neo Geo)
OH NO! NOT ANOTHER NEO GEO GAME! Shut up, it's also a great game. FFS has additional characters, stages, music, & graphics that Fatal Fury 2 didn't had! The additional characters include: Billy Kane, Axel Hawk, Laurence Blood, & Wolfgang Krauser. It also brings back Duck King, Tung Fue Rue, & Geese Howard from Fatal Fury 1. Yes, I know I could get Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol. 1, but I' am only intrested in FFS so I' am getting it for the VC.
The Runner ups include, but not limited to: Pulseman (JPN-only, Genesis), Samurai Shodown III (Neo Geo), Hagane (SNES), Beetle Adventure Racing (N64), Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood (PC Engine, JPN-only), etc.